This laboratory is a laboratory that functions as a place for student practicum related to Practical Pharmacy 1 and Practical Pharmacy 3 courses.In Practical Pharmacy Practicum 1, students are required to be able to read formulas, weigh raw materials and mix these ingredients into a pharmaceutical preparation. . Students are also required here to be able to complete the manufacture of drugs until they are ready to be given to patients. Students learn how to communicate with patients and hand over medication and information.

In Practical Pharmacy practicum 3, students are trained to be in a pharmacy service environment. A pharmacist is required to be able to identify various existing problems and be able to solve them for the benefit of the patient. Pharmacists must be able to make professional decisions in solving problems in pharmaceutical services. To achieve these goals, students must practice a lot and have the charisma to carry out pharmaceutical care in pharmaceutical service practices. With Practical Pharmacy practicum 3, it is hoped that students will better understand and be able to solve various problems faced in implementing pharmaceutical service practices both in pharmacies and in hospitals.