Global Pharmacy & Indonesia Cultural Engagement (GPICE) is a program launched by the Department of Pharmacy of Universitas Islam Indonesia which is designed to offer fun and unique learning experiences related to pharmacy practices in Indonesia. This 8-Day program is open to both domestic and international students.


Check The Previous GPICE 2023 After movie below:


the Pharmacy Department UII cordially invites UII Pharmacy students from the 2021 and 2022 cohorts (Regular & IP) to participate in the GPICE 2024 Committee as Student Buddies.

For STUDENT BUDDY Registration please fill the form here:

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Global Pharmacy & Indonesia Cultural Engagement (GPICE) is a program launched by the Department of Pharmacy of Universitas Islam Indonesia which is designed to offer fun and unique learning experiences related to pharmacy practices in Indonesia. This 14-Day program is open to both domestic and international students.

((Please click Poster above for further details))

After Event Movie of previous GPICE 2023 :


For Participants Registration please fill the form here: https:/