The Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program of UII committed to produce pharmacy scholar with adequate ability to carry out pharmaceutical work (caregiver) according to their field of work, supported by leadership spirit (leader), qualified communication skills (communicator), life-long learner, problem-solving-oriented educator (researcher and decision maker) with noble character (prophetic spirit and characters) and passion to provide optimum benefit (enterpreuner) to wider community (international orientation)


The profile of graduates of the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program is determined based on several considerations, such as: evaluation of the results of the tracer study, suggestions and feedback from stakeholders, the basic values of universities that have been stipulated in the Statutes of the Islamic University of Indonesia, profile of pharmacy graduates determined by APTFI, as well as the vision and mission of Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program of UII. Based on these considerations, a statement regarding the profile of Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program of UII graduates is determined as follows:

The Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program of UII committed to produce pharmacy scholar with adequate ability to carry out pharmaceutical work (caregiver) according to their field of work, supported by leadership spirit (leader), qualified communication skills (communicator), life-long learner, problem-solving-oriented educator (researcher and decision maker) with noble character (prophetic spirit and characters) and passion to provide optimum benefit (enterpreuner) to wider community (international orientation)

The noble character to be achieved refers to the main noble character possessed by the Prophet ﷺ who must become the spirit of his ummah in living life and also basic values of UII. These prophetic spirit and characters for graduates of the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program UII are described as follows:


honesty and integrity in carrying out duty and authority


responsibility, dedication and discipline in carrying out the duty and authority based on sincere attitude


conscientious and meticulous in taking conclusions and actions related to the duty and authority by prioritizing win-win solution and mutual benefit principles


have the courage to convey correct and accountable information and ready to provide the best service while promoting ethics of manners, as well as compassion and social sensitivity

To make it easier to remember, the formulated profile of graduates is abbreviated as PRECISE with the description as in Table 1.

The PRECISE stands for as follows:

P          : Prophetic spirit and characters
R          : Researcher and Life-Long Learner
E          : Enterpreuner
C          : Care Giver
I           : International Orientation
S          : Sensible Leader and Decision Maker
E          : Effective Communicator