The Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program of UII has set its vision as follows:
“ To become a pharmacy study program that is superior in the promotion of rational drug use and development of pharmaceutical dosage forms from active natural compounds ”
Mission of the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program is as follows:
- Implementing a quality education process in accordance with the demands of national standards and have a global orientation to produce competent Bachelor of pharmacy and pharmacist candidates.
- Developing research in the field of developing medicinal and cosmetic dosage forms from natural ingredients as well as drug use evaluation whose results can be used to improve the quality of the education process and contribute to solving pharmaceutical and public health problems.
- Cultivating noble character among the civitas academica to support individual capacity building as the agent of rahmatan lil’alamin.
The objectives of the Undergraduate Pharmacy Study Program of UII are as follows:
- To produce qualified Bachelor of pharmacy and pharmacist candidates in accordance with the demands of national standards and ready to work in various fields of pharmacy
- To produce quality scientific work in the field of drug use evaluation and development of medicinal and cosmetic preparations from natural ingredients and the results of which can be used to improve the quality of education and contribute to solving pharmaceutical and health problems.
- To build academic community who has noble characters as an agent of rahmatan lil’alamin
Quality Goals
The quality goals of UII Pharmacy Study Program are as follows:
- Accreditation and or certification of study programs at International level.
- The percentage of foreign students is 1%.
- The average professional competency score for graduates is 3.30.
- The percentage of lecturers with recognition/recognition of expertise/achievement at the national and international level is 5%.
- The graduate user satisfaction index is50.
- Percentage of graduates with a standard study duration of 90%.
- Stakeholders’ satisfaction with the study program facilities is 75%.
- The percentage of graduates working within three months is 80%.
- Implementation rate of cooperation with 500 of the world’s bestuniversities, 1 activity/year
- The reputation of lecturers who are active in Islamic preaching at the national or international level is 10%.