Module Name Research Methods and Biostatistics
Module level, if applicable 3th Year
Code, if applicable SFA-547
Semester (s) in which the module is taught Five Semester
Person responsible for the module Dr. Apt. Farida Hayati, M.Si
Lecturer(s) Dr. Apt. Farida Hayati, M.Si

Prof. Dr. Apt. Yandi Syukri, M.Si

Apt. Saepudin, Ph.D

Language English-Indonesian
Relation to curriculum Compulsory course 
Types of teaching and learning Class size Attendance time (hours per week per semester) Forms of active participation Workload
Lecture  50 3 Discussion  Lecture: 2 (hour) x 14 (meeting) 28
Preparation and follow up 4 (hour) x 14 (self-learning)


Project 50 Report Attendance time 1 (hour) x 12 (meeting)  12
Preparation and follow up 4 (hour) x 14 (self-learning) 24
Total workload 120 hours
Credit points 3 CU
Requirements according to examination regulations Minimum attendance at lectures is 75% (according to UII regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and reports (40%), mid semester exam (30%), and end semester exam (30%).   
Recommended prerequisites Bahasa Indonesia for Scientific Communication
Related course
Module objectives/intended learning Students are able to:

  1. Understand master the theoretical concepts of scientific research, scientific research design, and scientific research ethics
  2. Apply the concept of scientific research, scientific research design, and scientific research ethics in the drafting of research proposals
  3. Understand master the theoretical concept of how to collect data in scientific research
  4. Apply appropriate statistical analysis to support the conclusion-making process in scientific research
  5. Apply the concept of quality system in the implementation of scientific research
Content This course is designed for discussing Scientific research concept, scientific research design, research ethics, sampling techniques, measurement scale in scientific research, statistical analysis in scientific research, quality assurance in scientific research
Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mid-term, Final term, and Presentation
Media employed Text books, slides (power points), and video
Reading lists
  1. Kemendiknas RI. (2010). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 17 tahun 2010 tentang Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Plagiat di Perguruan Tinggi
  2. Polgar, S., Thomas, SA., (2008). Introduction to research in the health sciences 5th Ed., Churchill Livingstone
  3. Notoatmodjo, S. (2012). Metodologi Penelitian Kesehatan, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta
  4. Field, A. (2013) Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics 4th edition, SAGE publisher
  5. Database