Module Name Basics Pathology
Module level, if applicable 2th Year
Code, if applicable SFA-327
Semester (s) in which the module is taught Third Semester
Person responsible for the module Apt. Ndaru Setyoningrum M.Sc
Lecturer(s) Apt. Ndaru Setyoningrum M.Sc
Language Bahasa Indonesia and English
Relation to curriculum Compulsory course 
Types of teaching and learning Class size Attendance time (hours per week per semester) Forms of active participation Workload
Teaching, Discussion, Debate  50 2 Discussion  Lecture: 2 (hour) x 14 (meeting) 28
Preparation and follow up 4 (hour) x 14 (self-learning)


Total workload 84 hours
Credit points 2 CU
Requirements according to examination regulations Minimum attendance at lectures is 75% (according to UII regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and reports (40%), mid semester exam (30%), and end semester exam (30%).   
Recommended prerequisites Human Anatomy and Physiology
Related course
Module objectives/intended learning By the end of this course students should be able to: 

  1. Describe the pathogenesis and epidemiology of the common or important diseases discussed in lecture. 
  2. Describe and recognize the major cell and tissue alterations associated with these diseases and how they contribute to organ dysfunction or clinical signs and symptoms.
  3.  Describe how pathological analysis is used to recognize, classify, grade and stage the major types of malignancy. 
  4. Describe how pathological analysis contributes to disease surveillance and the evaluation of therapeutic interventions. 
Content The course covers: 

  1. Medical terminology 
  2. The process of cell injury
  3. Pathological of malignancy
  4. Hemodynamic instability of cardiovascular disease and renal disease 
Study and examination requirements and forms of examination Mid-term, Final term, assignments and presentation
Media employed Textbooks, slides (power points), video, Google classroom
Reading lists
  1. Interpreting Laboratory Data
  2. Russell J.G., Norman D.H., 2008, Pathology and Therapeutics for Pharmacists, Third edition
  3. Departemen Kesehatan, 2011, Pedoman Interpretasi Data Klinik