Tracing for Alumni of the Chemistry Analysis Study Program, FMIPA UII is managed by the Direktorat Pengembangan Karier dan Alumni (DPKA). This unit serves as an important bridge to connect graduates with the world of work. Various programs related to career preparation such as career consuling, career mentoring, career seminar and also job fair have become some of the routine agendas held by DPKA.
The UII Career Center website also provides various job vacancies that are uploaded directly by employing companies or institutions that can be easily accessed by alumni and the wider community.
More complete information about scholarship services for new students and active UII students can be accessed through the website of the Direktorat Pengembangan Karier dan Alumni (DPK) via the link below or contact 0274-898444 Extension 1133/1144
UII alumni organizations were born through deliberations of the Student Council and Student Consultative Assembly (DM and MPM) which were attended by several alumni UII such as Siswo Wiratmo, SH, Taufiq Halim, SH, Drs. Dairi Azis, Imam Suhadi, SH. and M. Mansur, SH. The date of birth or establishment of the organization is May 19, 1967 which coincides with 11 Safar 1387 H.
The birth of the UII Alumni Family Association was motivated by the strong encouragement and sense of responsibility of the alumni to participate in fostering and building their alma mater. Currently, the UII IKA Central Board is chaired by Dr. M. Syarifuddin, S.H., M.H., Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia.
Alumni Testimonial

“UII Pharmacy is Great, Innovation and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).”

“It is an honor to be able to receive an education at UII which is trustworthy and professional as one of the best university Indonesia”

“Studying here is very exciting, the lecturers and fellow students as well as campus facilities are very supportive for the development of knowledge and personal character. Perfect place for preparing for the future”
Alumni Tracer
Tracer Study UII is a survey of graduates in order to provide a variety of useful information for the purpose of evaluating the results of the higher education process organized by UII